Decision Aids

Decision Aids are meant to answer common clinical questions about gout.

GoutHelper takes information about a patient and his or her symptoms and applies empirical evidence, clinical guidelines, and rheumatology tribal knowledge to provide recommendations or advice. Like all things in medicine, there is a component of "art", also known as judgement or opinion, that is necessarily included in the Decision Aids. Some providers may disagree with subtle or even large parts of the recommendations.


Are a patient's symptoms from gout? Or are they from something else? The Flare DecisionAid will help you sort it out, giving you a likelihood that the symptoms are from gout and a rough estimate of how many people with similar symptoms and medical history would be definitively diagnosed as having gout.

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What is the goal uric acid for a patient on urate-lowering therapy (ULT)? The GoalUrate Decision Aid will help you figure out what uric acid to target as you titrate a patient's ULT. Not sure what is meant by the goal uric acid? No problem, check out our About page for it for a full explanation.

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Does your patient need prophylaxis (preventative treatment) against gout flares? Prophylaxis is NOT a long-term therapy for gout, but is typically started at the same time as urate-lowering therapy (ULT). It is used to prevent flares while ULT is being adjusted. The Ppx Decision Aid can help you figure it out.

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Does your patient need urate-lowering therapy (ULT)? ULT is the definitive treatment for gout that completely eliminates gout and prevents long-term joint damage it might otherwise cause. However, not everyone with gout needs ULT. The Ult Decision Aid can help you figure out whether your patient needs it.

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