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Get a gout flare prophylaxis (prevention) recommendation .

About the patient
How old is the patient? Why do we need to know?
What is the patient's biological sex? Why do we need to know?
Exertional chest pain
Blocked arteries in the heart
Congestive Heart Failure
Myocardial infarction
Cerebrovascular accident
Blocked arteries in the legs or arms
What cardiovascular diseases does the patient have?
Is the patient on blood thinners (other than aspirin)?
History of major bleeding without truama?
Sleave, roux-en-y, or duodenal switch?
Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
Peptic, gastric, or other gastroinestinal ulcers?
What other contraindications to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) does the patient have?
Does the patient have chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
Is the patient on dialysis?
What type of dialysis?
How long since the patient started dialysis?
What stage CKD? If unsure, but the patient's baseline creatinine is known, enter it below and GoutHelper will calculate the stage.
What is the patient's baseline creatinine? Creatinine is typically reported in micrograms per deciliter (mg/dL).
Is the patient on any medications that interact with colchicine (simvastatin, clarithromycin, diltiazem, etc.)?
Is the patient a diabetic?
Has the patient had an organ transplant?
Does the patient have an allergy to any of these medications?